We spent Friday evening at the ward campout. James was lovin' the hot springs in his Shrek underwear. He's our little nature boy.
We picked up this little pedal car at a thrift store for James. He loves it and drives it all over the neighborhood. It creates a stir everywhere we go.
In case you've been wondering where we've been: The Oregon Coast, Twin Falls, and wandering the Boise foothills. This was an awesome little half mile trail from the highway, through a lush forest down to the beach. This was not far from Seaside, Oregon. We were gone about a week at the beginning of June.
Ruby on the beach at Lincoln City.
James at Tillmook.
We took a day trip over to Twin Falls and Jerome about a month ago. We stopped at the Shoshone Falls and explored the canyon a little. The canyon was beautiful and we hope to be able to explore it more thoroughly someday soon.
We really enjoy getting out into the foothills that surround Boise. We've discovered lots of fun trails. It's been such a lovely, cool spring/summer and we're taking advantage of the good weather while it lasts before it gets boiling hot.