I have been 'in line' to get a copy of President Monson's biography at the library for several months now and my turn finally came two weeks ago. Now, I know how this is going to sound, but I've had kind of a difficult time feeling the same love for President Monson that I had for President Hinckley. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I have doubted that he's a prophet or anything. I just really, really loved President Hinckley and I still miss him. On that note, as I started to read President Monson's biography, I could not put it down. It is page after page of miracles and faith-promoting stories. It is clear that, from the beginning, he was a special person and that he was being raised up as prophet for our day. He truly has gone about 'doing good,' inspiring those around him, serving, strengthening, and lifting up all who come within the grasp of his influence.
To the Rescue has increased my love for President Monson and has strengthened my testimony that he is the Lord's chosen servant on the earth today. This book has already changed my life, my attitude, and perspective and I'm only half-way through. If any of you reading this could use a spiritual uplift, I highly recommend obtaining a copy of this book.