Sunday, October 18, 2009


I'm starting to get really excited about our trip to Bermuda. It's beginning to feel real like it's actually going to happen. I'm also really nervous about leaving James and Ruby for six days. When we went to Chicago for a few days James cried on the phone the first night, "I want you to come get me!" It broke my heart. It was so sad. I wanted to fly home right then. I keep thinking about that and I am increasingly apprehensive about leaving. Plus, we're leaving the morning of Halloween and I'm super sad that I won't be with the kids Halloween night. Adam doesn't care but I really love Halloween and I want to share that magical evening with my children. I posted these pictures for inspiration.
As a side note, Adam has lost 20 pounds in 17 days!! Woo hoo!

1 comment:

A said...

You upcoming vacation looks heavenly. I can't wait to see the post post-vacation. By the way, your babies are beautiful and you look FABU! You have not changed a bit. So happy to be back in touch. I get to Boise occasionally for work. Hope we can meet up one of these days!