Monday, January 4, 2010

The Holidays

Christmas was pretty low-key this year. There weren't a ton of presents--Adam and I actually didn't purchase one single gift either for each other or for the kids--due to Adam's unemployment and now my father-in-law's unemployment. Fortunately, my mom more than made up for our scanty supply. She went above and beyond for the kids and they had a great Christmas morning. James was especially excited about his rubber fireman boots and fire chief coat. He wears them everywhere. Ruby has loved pushing around her new stroller and doll. She will bring the doll and blanket to me for me to wrap her doll up and then she holds her and kisses her. It is the cutest thing ever. She couldn't be any cuter. I LOVE this age before they can say much and they don't know when they're being cute and they don't know how to be intentionally obnoxious.

For New Year's, we went to my brother's house and sang a lot of bad karaoke. It was fun but I think Adam picked up the stomach flu from one of the kids. I think James is starting to come down with it now.

Some funny things James has said lately:

He was playing on the stairs with his cousin (4) and they were looking at my wedding picture. James said, "My mom and dad got married a long, long time ago. And I was in my mommy's tummy." Great! Hope he doesn't blurt that one out at church. By the way, that is not true.

The other day he pretended to cut off my finger and then said, "There you go, mom. Now you have a bloody stump." Ok... they only thing he watches is Mickey, Bob the Builder and Wiggles. Pretty sure they're not talking about bloody stumps on those shows. Unless maybe Bob had a horrible, horrible accident. In which case, I actually wouldn't mind seeing that episode.

Check out It's pretty funny.

1 comment:

Helen said...

Hah Hah, bloody stump!