This is a picture of James right before they took him back to the OR. It's clear that the "happy juice" had taken effect.
His surgery went really well and the dentist was very pleased that he was able to save his one really bad tooth. He was expecting it to be infected but was very happy that it was clean and fixable. Recovery went well and he had no negative side effects from the anesthesia. I am so thankful that excellent health care if so accessible in this country. I am thankful for modern science and medicines which keeps our children happy and healthy. I know these things are unobtainable luxuries for millions and millions of people in the world. That smile is priceless!
On a completely unrelated note, today in the car he said out of nowhere that he was not "ever going to marry any dumb ladies because fireman don't marry ladies so I'm not going to marry any dumb ladies." Well, I guess that settles it.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh my James is quite the funny little guy!! I wonder if he realizes he is so funny!! I miss him being in my class!!! I'm glad things went well and that they were able to save his tooth!!
hhahahhaha!! I love the things he says! Keep 'em coming, I always need a good laugh!
That picture is freaking awesome. I'm glad the surgery went well.
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