Just haven't been in the mood to blog lately. Probably because I feel like I have everything and nothing to say all at the same time.
Some funny things James has said lately that I want to remember:
"Well, Heavenly Father wants you to be naked with the door open." After I stepped out of the shower and found the front door wide open.
"Mom, why is that lady in a wheelbarrow?" After noticing a woman in a wheelchair at the store.
Our lives have been pretty boring lately. I think we will know this week about THE job we have been waiting for for the last eight months.
I got most of the garden planted--corn, tomatoes, peppers (variety), green beans, and carrots. I still need to plant some pumpkins, cilantro, and basil. We'll see how it all turns out.
We also broke down and bought a trampoline. It was such a good deal we couldn't turn it down. The added entertainment for James has been nice plus it feels good knowing he's getting some exercise and enjoying the outdoors.
I am loving this weather. I wish it could be like this every day. I'm not anxious for the inevitable hot weather.
On Obeying, Honoring, and Sustaining the Law
5 days ago