I love Halloween! It was so fun this year and James was THE cutest little Dumbo I've ever seen. Ok, he was the only Dumbo. He had a blast trick or treating and stayed out almost as long as his older cousins. He took a couple of spills due to his very large ears blocking his vision. The magic of Halloween was recaptured watching James run from house to house and saying "Thank you! Halloween!" It was a great night.
On Obeying, Honoring, and Sustaining the Law
5 days ago
what a great costume! Where did you get it? We searched and searched for an awesome costume and ended up just settling for the plain old pumpkin for Audrey. (we were going for a peacock until Dawn Jenks mentioned that it looked like an alien, and she was totally right)
I do say I have the cutest niece and nephew ever!!!!
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