Has been interesting and yet really dull at the same time. We've spent a lot of time at home just messing around in the yard. I'm excited to report that my corn and green beans have started to sprout! Nature never ceases to amaze me. How magical to plant a tiny little seed and watch it sprout and blossom. Life in all forms is truly amazing. It's been fun working in the garden with James. He will spend endless hours digging and playing in the dirt, fascinated by every creature that happens by. He loves to find worms and rollie pollies and will make up stories about the mama worm and the baby worm and where they live. It's really cute. I love that he enjoys being outside and is anxious to 'tend' the garden.
We have also been entertained a lot this week by the neighborhood bunny. Our neighbors let their rabbit roam the neighborhood because they "can't stand to see him caged up." Well, I"m not sure what's worse, keeping it in a cage or allowing it to get killed by a raccoon?? Anyway, James spent hours every day tracking, watching, chasing and grabbing the bunny. It was quite fun to see him hop into our yard. The moment James caught a glimpse of him, he would go tearing out the door to chase it. We managed to catch him a few times but he always wriggled away as soon as James held him. Then James would cry because he wanted to keep it. I told him, "Well, he doesn't want to be held he just wants to be free." James replied, "No, he doesn't want to be free. He wants to be four." So funny.
I'm afraid the bunny may have met an untimely death as I have not seen hide nor 'hare' of it in the past two days. Kind of sad.
The kids were sick AGAIN this week. Raging fevers, croupy coughs, and vomiting from trying to cough. Pretty miserable for all of us. Poor kids.
We took James to the dentist on Friday for an emergency appointment after noticing a huge hole in his back molar. His filling had fallen out plus it was bigger than it was originally. I LOVE our dentist so much and he is so good with James. He was on his way out of town but said he wanted to look at it. He did a quick filling and James was the perfect patient. He sat there so calmly and held his mouth open. Even the dentist was amazed at what a good little patient he was. He said his other molar would have to be done as well. A lot of kids' baby teeth have really deep grooves and sometimes they don't even close, which is the case with James so that's why he has two bad molars. I was relieved to hear that because I was feeling like a pretty bad parent.
One last thing that I want to remember. This week Adam was talking about how he doesn't have any friends and James looked up from his plate and said, "Yes, you do! You have us." That was the sweetest thing I've ever heard.
I feel like I never mention Ruby. She has started running, jumping and saying everything. She says "More cheese" a lot and "Let's go home." Oh, and "Park." She always wants to go to the park. But she's saying three word sentences and I have started introducing the potty. James was trained at 22 months and I'm hoping to have Ruby trained around the same age.
This has turned into a really long post. Went into a stream of consciousness mode.
On Obeying, Honoring, and Sustaining the Law
5 days ago
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